Hypnotherapist and Life Coach in Mafra and Lisbon
10 October, 2016

About me

The hypnotist and coach 

Heduino, hypnotist and coachHow I started as a Hypnotist and Coach.

I am in love with the mind, and the fascination with creating change because the fundamental changes are at the subconscious level. Being a Hypnotist and a Coach, the best thing about my work is I help people to be happy, fulfilling their role in society and in the family. We all have a purpose in life but often can’t see it.

Throughout life, we acquire “filters” that prevent us from seeing the true beauty of life, of others, and especially ourselves. Often these filters don’t let us live the life we want.

I graduated in Communication Design from the Faculdade de Belas Artes, University of Lisbon, and Postgraduate in Technology and Digital Arts and I have always been a “visualizer” of ideas, an artist of ideas. I dreamed and then created. When people asked me what I was doing in life, often he answered: I solved problems. It’s what a designer does, solves problems. I found similarities in hypnosis and Coaching. I continue to solve problems but this time helping others solve their own problems, seeking their internal resources to confront the “ghosts” that are keeping them from their goals. Hypnosis works mainly with the power of visualization and it is essential to get results. This neurological change helps our mind to act and focus on the results we want. And when we are focused, miracles happen.

For several years I followed some of Igor Ledochowski’s courses and also Richard Bandler, to be one of the best hypnotists in the world. I got to know the work of several renowned authors, who influenced how I do hypnosis. Names like Rogério Castilho, Anthony Galie, Richard Nongard, Paul Mckenna and Richard Bandler. In Portugal, I met some renowned authors in hypnosis like Miguel Cocco who I did some training workshops with, and also Alberto Lopes and many others in the world of hypnosis who helped me to keep “focus” influencing my work as a hypnotist and a coach.

I own 3 certifications in Clinical and Systemic Hypnosis with Rogério Castilho, a great hypnotherapist and renowned coach in Brazil. With Castilho, I also took a course on Scientific Hypnosis. I also studied the Elman induction technique directly with the son of Dave Elman, Larry Elman. I finished my  Practitioner in NLP with Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP (pictured above) and John la Valle, and a Certificate in Coaching with Pedro Vieira in Portugal. I often participate in training and Hypnosis Workshops in Portugal and other countries. My latest training was with Peter Sage, at the Sage Business School, London. Peter Sage is an Entrepreneurial motivational coach in the business world. Peter Sage worked 14 years with Tony Robbins’s team as a Business and Motivational Coach.

I am here to teach you everything I know! Accept the challenge?

Read more about my hypnosis sessions here.

Hypnotherapist and Life Coach in Mafra and Lisbon
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