If you already spoke with me and are ready to book a session, please go directly to my calendar booking link:
Book your session in my Calendário
The sessions are performed in an individual and unique way and could be articulated with NLP. For each situation, it takes about 2 or 3 sessions depending on the situation. Sometimes one session is all it takes for the client to leave as a different person! But in situations like losing weight or quitting smoking several sessions are required. Contact me for the following problems.
- Quit smoking
- Lose weight
- Pain control
- Anxiety
- Motivation and Self-esteem
- Focus in studying
- Phobias, fears, and insecurities
- Stress control
- Dealing with Grief
- Stuttering
- And much more … Tell me your problems. Who knows, I may already have a solution for you!

Quit smoking with Hypnosis
Hypnosis sessions for stopping smoking consists of 3 or 4 sessions.
The addiction is treated on 3 levels. The Biological level due to the action of nicotine in the body, the Psychological level due to the comfort that nicotine brings to the individual, and the behavioral level witch relates the act of smoking with many social habits of the individual. If you are determined to quit smoking, hypnosis helps you find the internal resources to do so and never go back!

lose weight with hypnosis
Lack of motivation is one of the main obstacles to weight loss. With the right motivation creating realistic objectives, changing behaviors and habits, anyone can lose weight. But if there is no definitive change of habits everything will eventually remain the same. And there is no surgery for changing habits. With hypnosis sessions, you can change your habits, and therefore change what you eat, change what you do and the results are forever! The treatment for obesity consists of several follow-up sessions during your progress until you get the results you want.
I have especially designed an 8 sessions program where I will guide you through a series of skills and exercises that will help you change your mindset and therefore resulting in losing weight every week. This program is designed to last from 2 to 3 months and consists of exercises and audios that you will keep using whenever you want even after the program. If you are comfortable with the Portuguese language, please look up my program in the Portuguese version of this site. Sessions can be given in Portuguese or English.

Only those who have insomnia know how unpleasant it is to spend the night without sleep, knowing that the next day will not have the necessary energy. A good night’s sleep is essential for us to go through the day with our full potential. Hypnosis sessions will help you sleep better. You will learn to relax the brain and the body overnight regenerating energy to the body at its full potential for the next day!

Depression, Increase Motivation and Self-Esteem
Motivation is what drives us towards our goals. No motivation, no action. No action, no change. No change, no objectives are met. And when we did not reach our goals we feel bad. And feeling bad hurts! It hurts inside! And this pain is demotivating. And that’s why there is a lack of motivation … It’s a vicious cycle and needs to be broken. Treatment to increase self-esteem and motivation helps you believe in yourself and discover the wonderful person you are showing you how others actually see you and not what you think they see. This discovery changes your feelings, your actions, changing the way people relate to you because you are a new person. Completely changing your life.
I also recommend the workshop “ Change your focus, Change your life ” on this site, because each of us has almost endless resources to be happy. Just change the images that you constantly run in your mind.

Mental Coaching
Coaching is done with one or several sessions, which will encourage, support, and awaken your infinite potential towards your goals. The coaching sessions, individual or group, can be held weekly, fortnightly, or monthly and lasts, on average, one or two hours, all set in common agreement between coach and coachee. Coaching can be applied in any context and directed to people, professionals from various professions, and companies of different sizes and segments. The goal is to change your mindset, help you find goals, set strategies, and take action towards them.
If you prefer an online session see this link: http://www.hipnoseecoaching.pt/hypnosis-coaching-online/