If you reached this page it’s probably because you’re interested in Coaching or Hypnosis. Good choice, but before booking your free online session I’d like to share a few words.
If you are stuck in your personal or professional life and do not know how to stop a cyclical situation of discouragement and disappointments, or stop getting caught in fears, limits or fear of making mistakes, Coaching is for you!
If you are becoming too dependent on others and the world around you, Coaching Sessions can really help you cope with these limitations and fears so it makes it easier for you to discover achievable goals in your life. In a Coaching session I will not be your friend! Friends are good for lending their sholder to avoid you from getting hurt. They always end up helping you to stay in your comfort zone, and if you came to this page it’s because you want so much more. I’ll be picky, I’ll take you to your limits. I will show you what you need to get out of, take you from your comfort zone and help you see for the first time in life what a fullfilling life looks like!
But if you already have well defined goals, but there’s something within you that prevents you from moving forward, for example, fear, trauma, social phobia, self-esteem or lack of confidance, then you need to get rid of these behaviors that are preventing you from a fullfilling life and finally begin to make your path “on the red carpet” and toward your goals. Hypnosis and NLP serve just that. I have countless clients who after a few sessions of Hypnosis or NLP have managed to free themselves from their fears and traumas that accompanied them for decades and finally see this wonderfull “red carpet” path to their bright future! And when that happens, life begins to shine in “full colour”!
Watch some video testimonials in this link: http://www.hipnoseecoaching.pt/en/testimonials/
I want to help you because that’s what I do, and I want to give you more than what you’re looking for, and because it’s an online session I’m going to need you to read the list of important information below.
1 – Fill in the form below or email me at hipnose@heduinorodrigues.com;
2 – Make sure you have SKYPE, FACETIME or other Video Conferencing software like Zoom. Quality is greatly improved if you have earphones and a larger screen than a smartphone.
3 – Make sure you have a comfortable place to attend the session, (eg a sofa or armchair.), and make sure the camera is pointing to your upper body (head and chest) since I may need you to make some hand gestures.
4 – Send me an email with more than one date and time for the first session, so we can set a convenient time for both. Or just use the form below and send this information. I will get back to you with prices.